Obłędne dyktando

The harmonious combination of education and entertainment in the O!Dyktando mobile app encourages children and youth to constantly expand their knowledge. The app consists of a nationwide virtual spelling test O!Błędne Dyktando and the Ortogra game, which is also available after the competition.

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As part of our cooperation, we have prepared an API and a management system for dictation, users and O!Dyktando and Ortogra game configuration. In addition, we have developed the graphic design of the mobile app in accordance with UX trends and practices. Due to the fact that the app is directed to younger users of mobile devices, pastel colors with drawing elements were used in the design.

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The app is available to users of iOS and Android mobile devices. During the implementation, the project was supported by Mobile Madness, our business partner, who developed the technological facilities of the app for both systems.

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In addition to the application for the O!Błędne Dyktando competition, a landing page has also been created that contains all information about the nationwide edition of the virtual test and redirects to stores where you can download O!Dyktando app for free.

Obłędne dyktando
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