Progressive Web App

Mobile devices currently play a key role in the Web’s landscape. The network traffic generated by smartphones and tablets has already exceeded the traffic from computers a few years ago. This has led to many companies putting the needs of smartphone users in the first place, which has proved to be the right choice. One of the best solutions geared for mobile use are PWAs – Progressive Web Apps.
PWA, or a Progressive Web App, is a special kind of website with functionality allowing it to combine the advantages of a mobile and web app. The use of regular hosting makes PWAs reachable at any time using any Internet-connected device. At the same time, some functions of such an application should always be available online. One of the most significant features of a Progressive Web App is the possibility of saving, or “installing” it, in the device’s memory. This way the app can use caching to offer the best user experience even in situations with weak or no Internet access. It’s also possible to easily integrate its features with other apps running on a smartphone or a tablet – this allows for using contacts, reading and writing files, managing calendar data or even accessing devices connected via Bluetooth or USB.

What’s behind the popularity of PWAs? One of the reasons is small app size – a PWA can take up even 100 times less disk space than a regular application, while offering the same functionality. On top of that, there’s the possibility of offline use, and a relatively short development time. It’s also worth noting that many of the biggest players on the market use PWAs – numerous examples include Uber, Twitter or Spotify.
What you can gain using PWA?
Fast development
Developing a PWA requires a significantly smaller time investment than creating a regular native application from the ground up. Often just a couple of weeks are enough to deliver a complete product. Moreover, implementing new features and fixes is quick and hassle-free. Thanks to the ease of development, the implementation of a PWA project can run very smoothly even for the most complex applications.
Although PWA applications are mainly targeted at mobile devices, the versatility and use of standard Web protocols means that they can provide exactly the same features on PCs and laptops. There’s no need to maintain several versions of the application – just one solution will be enough to provide the required functionality on any system.
Small space requirements
Many smartphone users are perfectly familiar with the problem of not enough space available – the apps along with files can take up a large portion of a device’s memory. With PWAs, “installing” works basically like creating a shortcut to a website. Most of the data is cached, saving disk space and ensuring full performance at the same time.
PWA applications must meet a number of requirements before they can be saved on the end user’s device. One of them is HTTPS support, which ensures that all traffic passing through the application is encrypted.
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Professional PWA project with Moonbite
Interested in an MVP or a complete PWA project? Feel free to contact us!
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